Friday, December 21, 2012

Review #7: Snow White and the Huntsman (Film)

8.5/10 (Rent It)

This film re-imagines the story of Snow White in a unique and intense way. While the plot is not spectacular the film manages to seem like a truly epic movie without spanning multiple films. The acting is decent in general, but I didn't really like Kristen Stewart as Snow White. The film is stylized similar to the Lord of the Rings trilogy with sweeping landscape shots and some faced paced action sequences. It also moves fairly well and the story is great. My favorite character is definitely the mirror, but a case could be made for the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) if he had been more developed as a character.

Pros: Decent action, feels epic, a fresh take on an old classic
Cons: Not great acting and gets lost in the middle

Conclusion: If you want to watch an epic movie, but don't have 9 hours to sit down for the LoTR trilogy consider "Snow White and the Huntsman".

Look out for my review of Les Miserables (Film) on Dec. 26th!

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