Sunday, May 15, 2011

Review #5: The Lightning Thief (Film)

7.2/10 (Rent it)

This film was entertaining and had great action sequences and an interesting concept, but the story was nothing phenomenal and the acting wasn't anything special either. This movie is about a kid who finds out he is special because he is the offspring of a Greek God, and has been accused of stealing Zeus' lightening bolt. In order to fend off a war of the Gods he must return the bolt before midnight on the summer solstice. While this seems like it could be an epic adventure it ends up a predictable plot, and it doesn't fully meet my expectations as an epic adventure. This movie was good and would have been even better if I was younger and more allured by the cool CGI and monsters in the film, but other than good action sequences the film lacked any great sequences to make it memorable. There was also one scene in the end that I think could have been written much better. (You'll know if you watch it.)

Positives: Action Sequences, Cool Topic, Great CGI
Negatives: Average Plot, Not memorable,

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