Saturday, May 7, 2011

Review #2: NHL 10 (XBOX 360)


This Hockey game by EA sports is very powerful and realistic. The player can lock on and control only one player or play as the entire team. It also includes modes that allow you to be the manger of a team or control a player through their career.

While many of these features are great the real draw of sports games is the multiplayer aspect and this game has a great system. While connecting online isn't always fast shootouts and games versus other players are easy to come by and I've had very few disconnects. I normally play with my suite-mate Ryan on the same screen but this is a great game. Also the game does include elements of chance so even a superior player and team can have a few bad bounces and find themselves trailing late in the third allowing games to get heated especially when players are similar in skill level.

I know this is an older game, but with sports games becoming obsolete so quickly any individual that wants to get a good hockey game cheap should check out NHL 10.

Many Different Modes (Battle for the Cup- a personal favorite for a rivalry with Ryan)
Online Play (Shootouts and Full Games)
Good Graphics

Not the most current game
EA allows you to purchase upgrades for your custom skater (something I frown upon because it replaces hardwork with a few microsoft points)
AI when sharing a screen could have more hockey sense.

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